Monday, August 31, 2020

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8 
English Standard Version 

  Paul blends theology with real life -- we need to understand why we believe what we believe, and then Paul gets into the details and how that matters in day-to-day life.  Paul stresses that it matters in our private lives as well -- even so far as to matter in our sexual lives, too.  It matters how we live when the doors are closed and no one is watching.  Our faith matters in the most intimate parts of our lives, because God cares about every part of our lives.  God cares how you live in public and how you live in private.  Our faith changes how we interact with friends and business partners and lovers.  Faith matters from when you wake up in the morning until you go to sleep at night, and it matters while you're sleeping to.  What you believe matters, and how you live matters.  We don't turn off our faith -- and when we bow the knee to proclaim Christ as Lord, we let Christ be Lord over ALL of life, not just the parts that we want to hand over.
  So what are you holding back from God?  Are there areas of life that you're afraid to hand over to God?  Trust me, it's better off in God's hands, and we will end up richer and fuller when we hand it over to God.  It doesn't make it easy, and God knows there are parts of my life that I struggle to hand control over, but I know that I should... I'm just selfish and have a hard time trusting.  It's easy to trust myself, but it's better to trust God!

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