Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Philippians 4:10-13

Philippians 4:10-13 
English Standard Version 

  Notice the order in which things happen -- the Philippians were concerned for Paul, and that leads Paul to rejoice greatly in the Lord.  How can you show your concern for another, that they, too, might rejoice greatly in the Lord?
  Paul has learned a great thing here -- he has learned how to be content in all situations.  We would do well to imitate this.  Often, our thought process is to imagine a situation when we'll be content.  I'll be content if I can get that job.  I'll be content when I reach that financial goal.  I'll be content when I retire.  I'll be content once I get past this or that.  We do this all the time, putting off contentment, waiting for circumstances to change.
  Paul learns that he can face any situation when he realizes the radical love of God.  Because God loves Paul, Paul doesn't need the world to change before he will be content.  Because God has secured Paul's future in heaven, Paul doesn't need certain circumstances to happen before finding peace.  Because Paul has discovered peace in Christ and continues to pursue a deeper relationship with God, the exterior rumblings do not rattle his composure.  No matter what is occurring in the world or to his body, Paul's soul is at peace.

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