Wednesday, September 2, 2020

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
  In the early church, the expectation was that Jesus was going to return 'soon'.  They thought it might be within weeks or months, but as time stretched on, a good deal of trepidation built up -- what if someone died before Jesus returned?  What then?
   The answer, as always, is that we believe in a God who transcends death, and so we need not fear.  Jesus did not return within weeks of the ascension, and while that wait has stretched on for centuries, we do not need to worry.  We are safe in Jesus' hands, whether he returns while we live or long afterwards -- the God who called Lazarus forth from the grave and walked out of his own tomb is capable of bringing us to new life, however complex it may seem from this side of the veil.
  The important thing to remember is that life is completely different from God's perspective.  God is not limited in the same way we are.  We see so many problems, but God sees differently, and life is different in God's perspective.  Time and space are different.  So may we trust in the one who formed the universe, that all will be well, no matter when and where.

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