Monday, September 21, 2020

Colossians 1:21-23

Colossians 1:21-23 
English Standard Version 

  Remember when people went to sporting events?  I was watching the Reds game on Saturday and they had a CGI crowd -- it felt strange, mostly because it made me miss the days when I could go to a sporting event with a full crowd.  Back in March, Rachel and I had plans for a week with a hockey game and Broadway tickets to a month with zero plans worrying about getting groceries.  It was a sudden change.
  We've all experienced sudden changes in our lives -- anyone walking outside in winter has, at some point, had their feet go out from under them and they've transitioned from upright to horizontal very quickly!  For Caleb, it would be the equivalent of taking broccoli off his plate and substituting it with pizza.
  In Christ, we experience a complete change -- we who were in the dark, defined by sin, are now transformed & brought into the light due to the power and love of Christ.  And this was done by his death, with the goal of making you holy and blameless.  This is the goal of Christ -- to transform you, so that sin will no longer define you, so that darkness will not close in upon you, so that death will not claim you.  You who were dead are now alive, because of what Christ has done.
  If you ever become fearful of God, think of all that God went through to deliver you from death into life.  God sacrificed a lot, saving you through the painful death of Jesus Christ -- and God freely chose to do this.  So when you approach God in prayer, don't hide your sin, but do not believe that it condemns you, for the reality of what God has done for you means that God treasures you and wants you to live!  God wants good things for you and is willing to pay an enormous price to change your status from condemned to saved.

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