Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Luke 12:13-21

Luke 12:13-21 

  I'm finally starting a book that's been on my list for a long time -- it's Ron Chernow's John Rockefeller biography.  Nothing terribly exciting, but I've been trying to make time to read it for a while.  I've always assumed I'd get around to it eventually.
  We make a lot of plans for eventually.  Rachel and I were discussing the other day all the things we'd like to do once COVID is a distant memory.  Plans are good.  It's fun to dream, and not making plans can leave you missing out on things in life.  For instance, I wouldn't learn about John Rockefeller.  
  But I'm trying not to make an idol of my plans.  There are no guarantees in life.  Take the time today to make good on those promises you've been making to yourself about things you'll do, people you'll call, prayers you'll say, gifts you'll give.  I just finished reading The Overstory, a remarkable book that largely revolved around trees.  It's hard to grasp my lifespan in relation to a tree, especially since some of the trees in this world have been listening to the world since Jesus walked the earth.  It was a helpful reminder to put first things first -- the eternity we're promised is true, but the current lifespan we have is not.  Savor it.  It's a gift.  And the giver of every good gift is going to wrap you in eternity.

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