Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Colossians 1:3-8

Colossians 1:3-8
English Standard Version 

  It seems as though the world is in a hurry to divide itself into various segments.  I think humans have likely always trending in this direction -- finding tribes, then looking for tribes within tribes -- it gives us a sense of belonging.  Problems arise when tribes drift apart, however, and lose sight of the commonality between us.  When the world or the country or our communities become 'us' and 'them', we cease to look for the good in our neighbors.  
  One of the countless amazing things is about the church is the idea of being surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.  Close your eyes and imagine -- believers in every time and place make up the church universal, of which you are a part.  Your membership is not only in a particular community, but also it belongs to something that transcends the divisions of the age.  
  When Paul is writing to the Colossians, he is reminding them that they are being prayed for.  They are not alone, they are not isolated, they are not a solitary tribe, a lone boat in the midst of a stormy sea.  Surrounded by a church that is not limited to a single place, the encouragement of the Gospel is to press forward with the confidence that we belong to something far, far bigger than ourselves, and we want one another to experience the fullness of Christ's hope and joy.  When we want the best for one another, for the riches and treasures of the Gospel to fill one another's lives, then we are embracing what it means to be one connected community of faith.

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