Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Mark 8:11-13

Mark 8:11-13 
  The image of Jesus sighing at the Pharisees is interesting to me -- it's a sigh that comes out of deep frustration.  The Pharisees seem to be looking for a reason not to believe that Jesus is who he says he is.  They come seeking a sign, and you can imagine Jesus pointing around at all the miracles that have been performed, wondering if that's enough while all the while knowing that it will never be enough.  They're determined not to believe.
  So the question comes to us -- do we come with questions borne out of honest inquiry, seeking to know more, or do we find questions that are simply reasons not to believe, not to trust, not to move forward?  Sometimes, we come up with questions because we want an excuse not to change, while sometimes, we have questions because we want or need to know.  They're two different questions, and I think God can tell the difference.  The honest ones we should pursue with all vigor, and I trust in God that they'll lead us to a good place of deeper trust.  

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