Thursday, October 19, 2023

Mark 9:30-32

Mark 9:30-32 

  I listen to a number of podcasts, often when I workout, and it's not uncommon for me to get to the end of one and realize that I missed a good portion of it.  I either zoned out or wasn't paying close attention, but rather than rewind and listen again, I press on to the next, figuring that in the grand scheme, I'm probably not missing anything vital.  
  It works for me when listening to podcasts.  For the disciples, listening to Jesus, they probably should have considered this worth asking a question or two.  They should have asked Jesus to rewind -- they're missing a rather critical piece of the picture here!  But they didn't want to look dumb, so they went along.  Think how helpful this message would have been a little later when Jesus was killed and they were waiting for him to rise from the dead! 
  But we do the same thing to Jesus.  When we stop to pray, do we always make time to listen?  It's easy to say our prayers, listing out what we want from God, and then rush off to the next thing we have to do.  Do we wait and listen for God?  Are we patient?  Do we keep asking God when we're unclear as to what to do next, or do we rush forward, assuming we'll figure it out along the way?
  I understand the disciples, because it's easy to see myself in them sometimes.  May we learn from their mistakes and make time to hear what God is likely trying to say to us!

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