Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Mark 8:14-21

Mark 8:14-21 

  Ever set something down and then can't remember where you put it?  I was working in the bathroom the other day and set down my vise grips then spent the next 5 minutes looking for them despite the fact that they were right in front of me.  I don't know how I missed them.
  There were times that the disciples were like that.  Jesus has multiplied bread in front of the disciples, and yet there they are, lamenting that they don't have enough bread.  They've seen him work miracles, and yet they can't figure out what will keep them from starving.  Jesus is trying to help them see past material food, since he's going to feed them in ways that will last for eternity, but they're just worried about the short-term.
  May we recognize the reality that Jesus brings, and work to look beyond the surface.  What do we really need?  How does Jesus address our deepest fears and concerns?  He has come for all of us -- to provide for our material and eternal needs.

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