Thursday, October 12, 2023

Mark 9:1-8

Mark 9:1-8 

  It's always interesting to me to watch the crowds at sporting events after a big win -- there is a tremendous celebration, and eventually the crowd starts to taper.  You can't stay in the arena or stadium forever -- you have to leave and carry on the celebration somewhere else, but there is always a reluctance to leave, as though things won't be the same once everyone leaves.
  That's what Peter, James, and John are experiencing.  They are a part of something transcendent, and they don't want to leave.  Peter wants to build tents so that everything can stay, but that's not the mission of Jesus.  Jesus is always sending people out, encouraging them to take their experience and use that to serve the world.  They haven't been given this experience simply to keep it -- they've been given it to share it with the world through their mission and ministry.  
  The same is true for each of us.  Everything we've been given is meant to be shared, and those mountaintop experiences should lead us back out into the world.

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