Wednesday, July 3, 2024

2 Thessalonians 1:5-8

2 Thessalonians 1:5-8 

  When someone wrongs us, we have two choices.  We can try and make things even, or we can trust in the Lord to set things right through God's justice and in God's time.  It's always tempting to try the first, but it's also exhausting, and that's how the cycle of violence is perpetuated, because it's rare for people to think things are fair -- we always feel slighted, and that we need to get back at the other party.  
  However, if you trust in the Lord's ability to set things straight, then it's tremendously freeing, and I think it's the only way to cope with grave injustices.  If the world's justice fails you, how else can you deal with it?  I don't know that you can ever strike back enough to feel like you've set things right, and in this worldly time frame, some things can never be repaired.  If we look on an eternal scope, however, the God who exists outside of time and space has the ability to truly set things right.  I don't think it's always going to be the way we imagine it will be (reminding me of the quote that if you think God has the exact same enemies that you do, maybe you need to re-evaluate things), but we can trust the Lord of love and grace to deal with things the way they ought to be.  

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