Monday, July 22, 2024

Psalm 121:1-4

Psalm 121:1-4

  The geography of this Psalms always helps me.  I imagine myself in a valley, in a gorge, surrounded by hills.  In such a scenario, we can look down or around at the walls that are closing in, or we can lift our eyes up to the hills, trusting that God will come over the hills and descend into the valley to deliver us.  This is the picture of the Gospels -- the God who made heaven and earth is not afraid to come down into our troubles to be with us.  
  God doesn't miss our troubles when we're asleep.  There's an amazing scene where Elijah duels with the prophets of Baal, and they can't get a response from Baal, and so Elijah tells them to shout louder in case Baal is asleep.  Elijah knows that God is listening, that God is watching.  
  God is always near, even in times of trouble. So rather than focus our attention on those walls that bring trouble, may we lift our eyes to God.

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