Wednesday, July 17, 2024

2 Thessalonians 3:6-12

2 Thessalonians 3:6-12 

  The church is a community.  If everyone is not doing their part, then that's how a community can begin to rot.  Everyone is going to work at different levels, everyone has different capabilities -- Paul isn't disputing that.  But everyone has a part to play, and if there are people in the community sitting back and not doing anything to serve the community, then that places more burden on those who are working  Paul recognizes how damaging that could be, and so he encourages each and every person to find their role in the church and the community.  May we all be actively serving, using our gifts, pursuing faithfulness and holiness and stewardship.  We don't have to do this loudly, but we can be quiet, faithfully striving, faithfully serving, thinking of the community.

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