Friday, July 12, 2024

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17

2 Thessalonians 2:13-17 

  We've all seen the analysis many times -- at the end of the movie Titanic, there was plenty of room on the door for both of them.  However, Jack couldn't hold on -- the cold water and the hardships wore away at him, and eventually he slipped into the watery depths.  
  Paul is writing to a church in the midst of hardships.  The threat to them is that they'll succumb to the pressures of adversity, so Paul is calling on them to stand firm, to hold onto the traditions.  In the midst of so many things leaning on them, Paul is telling them that their faith is what truly, truly matters, and so they need to stand firm, based on God's love, and trusting that God will comfort their hearts at the same time.
  May we find the strength to hold firm as well.  The world is a hard place, and we need the community of believers to gather around us to help us hold firm.  It's a hard thing to do on our own, but we're not called to do this on our own.  We're called to be in community, to serve one another, so that in the midst of the storm, we help each stand firm.

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