Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Acts 1:1-5

Acts 1:1-5 

  I love to read about the early church -- it was so dynamic and so alive.  For forty days, Jesus spent his time with the disciples, and it must have been such a rich time, as they wondered at all that Jesus was and taught, and he tried to prepare them for leading the church without Jesus physically present.  These were fishermen and tax collectors -- they weren't ready for this, and yet they were ready for this, because of what God had done and was doing in their lives.
  It's so easy to forget that the same Spirit that moved over the waters at Creation, the same spirit that empowered and led this community of faith, is with us here and now, helping us love and serve one another in present day America.  It's easy to assign the Spirit to the pages of history, but God has promised to be with us always, and God keeps God's promises, so we can depend on the Holy Spirit.  The world may be a bit louder, and it may be a little harder to hear, but we can count on God to draw near to us, especially in times of distress, and to guide us forward just as God led the early church.

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