Monday, July 15, 2024

Psalm 25:4-5

Psalm 25:4-5 

  This weekend was noisy and chaotic.  So many voices, filled with anger and pain and uncertainty and fear.  In the midst of all of it, I try and discern what the right reaction is.  Where do we go from here?  How do we know the next right thing to do?  How do we ensure we're not manipulated by people with an agenda that may lead us far from where we want to be?
  In chaotic times, Scripture tells us to wait on the Lord.  At one point, King Saul grew impatient.  A sacrifice needed to be offered, and while the prophet Samuel was supposed to offer it, Saul figured he could do it on his own.  Did he really need to wait?  Wasn't he the king after all?
  Samuel shows up and tells Saul that he acted foolishly.  He was called to wait on God.
  Often, when I impulsively react, I act foolishly.  May I be willing to wait, even all day long, for God to lead me, to teach me, to show me the next right step, that I may be a force for grace in my community.

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