Wednesday, December 17, 2008

As we draw near

God of new life, as we draw near to Christmas, may we remember how incredible it is that we profess Jesus Christ, son of God, Immanuel. May we realize how strong your love is in that rather than giving up on sinful humanity, you reach out, you give, and you save. We are free to hope because we are free to love you. We have so many questions about the life of Christ, so many blank pages in the Gospels we long to have filled in, and yet we must be patient, place our trust in you and go forward in faith and confidence. Still our minds, that we may hear your voice. Quiet our busy lives, so that as Christmas approaches we may truly consider the importance of Christ among us. Touch our hands and our feet, so that we may be more like the magi, traveling far, offering much, so that Christ may be glorified. May all we do be offered to you, Christ our King.

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