Thursday, December 11, 2008

Rainy Thursdays

Eternal and Abiding Lord,
You alone are the master of this world. You are our God and King, and when we lift our voices to the heavens, you have promised to hear them and to be present with us. You know our hopes and our dreams, and you have your own hopes and dreams for us. Yet in the darkness of our lives, we struggle to see and understand your dreams. We fail to see through the veil we erect to separate our lives from you. We want comfort and security; with you there is challenge and growth, new life and new creation. That terrifies us. We are not ready for you and the lifestyle you call us to.
Make us new, Lord. From the inside out, renew our thoughts and our ways. Guide our feet along the path. Walk with us, night and day, and help us see how your ways are better than ours, how your thoughts are bigger than ours, how your love is truer than ours. Help us understand who you are, and whose we are. May we see the truth and love in you, and help us to train our eyes to better understand how to seek that in our own lives.

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