Monday, December 22, 2008

Three Days to Christmas!!

Gracious Lord,
You are the rock beneath my feet, even when I choose to run. You are the arms that encircle me, even when I am restless and cannot be still. You are the living water for my soul, although I often turn to alternatives to try and parch my ravenous thirst. You are the bread of life, but I seek out other vendors to curb my endless appetite.
You are all that I need and yet I often turn from you to seek out other desires. You are love, joy, peace and grace, and yet I fail to know you, to love you, to treasure you like I should. I forget your grace and love, and remember the empty gifts I have been given by the world. I seek after those treasures first, forgetting what will be around last.
Remind me of your grace and love, throughout the day, and may each reminder, each brush on the cheek by the wings of your angels, be a renewal of my love and devotion to you.

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