8-9When Pilate heard this, he became even more scared. He went back into the palace and said to Jesus, "Where did you come from?"
Jesus gave no answer.
10Pilate said, "You won't talk? Don't you know that I have the authority to pardon you, and the authority to—crucify you?"
11Jesus said, "You haven't a shred of authority over me except what has been given you from heaven. That's why the one who betrayed me to you has committed a far greater fault."
12At this, Pilate tried his best to pardon him, but the Jews shouted him down: "If you pardon this man, you're no friend of Caesar's. Anyone setting himself up as 'king' defies Caesar."
13-14When Pilate heard those words, he led Jesus outside. He sat down at the judgment seat in the area designated Stone Court (in Hebrew, Gabbatha). It was the preparation day for Passover. The hour was noon. Pilate said to the Jews, "Here is your king."
15They shouted back, "Kill him! Kill him! Crucify him!"
Pilate said, "I am to crucify your king?"
The high priests answered, "We have no king except Caesar."
The words of the high priests are the words of us all; we freely swear our allegiance to those who do not deserve it, who have not earned it, who have no real power in this world. We promise to be loyal to those who protect our lives, rather than the One who has created our life and seeks to enrich it with the Spirit. We are led, easily, by promises of riches and success, when the One who loves us would offer us faithfulness and endurance. We have our choice before us; who will be our King? To whom will we swear our allegiance? Who will hear our thoughts, have our time and our prayers, and be the One upon whom we shower our affections? Will it be the temporary powers of this world, or the timeless God of heaven and earth?
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