It's tempting to say that I don't accomplish much when Caleb is at home. By the standards of the working world, perhaps that is true. But when I stop and consider it, I think what I do on days like today is far more important than anything else I could do--on days like today, I'm doing my part to help Caleb grow up knowing that he is loved, that he is valued, that he has my full support. On days like today, I'm reveling in God's amazing gift of Caleb, giving thanks for the chance to love a child. On days like today, I can simply sit in wonder as this boy grows up before my eyes, playing with toys and focusing intently on whatever it is I set before him. It's tempting to hope he falls asleep so I can be 'productive', but the time I spend with him is far more productive than I may ever know or understand.
And one more thing... if you're driving by our house and hear a repeated thumping sound, those are Caleb's legs flailing against his mattress. I don't know why, but he pounds his legs up and down on the mattress, even when he's sound asleep. You can hear it in every part of the house when he really gets going. It's just strange. But we love him anyway, and are fairly certain at this point that we're going to keep him!
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