Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, 4/23

Holy God,
  You have planted seeds in my heart.  These seeds are filled with goodness and wisdom, and if they grow to maturity they will yield rich fruit that can enrich my life and the lives of those around me.
  Grant me the wisdom to water them.
  Water is a scarce resource, Lord, and I often choose to focus my attention and resources on things that do not water these seeds.  I pour out energy for things that are not of you, and I neglect the treasures you have hidden within me.  May I attend to your Word and your presence, that I may grow in you, that your seeds may grow and bear fruit for your Kingdom.
  Give me eyes to see and ears to listen, that I may not pursue my own selfish ends, but rather choose to love and serve you with all my heart.


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