Thursday, June 11, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, June 11

  Sometimes, I like to imagine what it is like in your throne room.  I picture light emanating from your throne, streaming in glory from your majesty, overwhelming all, encompassing and surrounding all, so that no shadow remains, nothing hides to dim your glory.  There will not be a corner left in all creation to harbor a shadow or a bit of evil, for your glory will be complete.
  In that place, I will harbor no selfish appetites.  I will be overwhelmed by you, completely focused in awe, lost in wonder and having only one desire:  to worship you with every ounce of my being.  I doubt that I will have the focus to recognize the folly I invest in myself, for rather than spend time in regret, I will fall before the throne with my brothers and sisters and worship you for all that you are.  You are magnificent and perfect, and I endeavor to serve and worship you.
  You are good, Lord, and such majesty that exists belongs all to you.  There are not words in our language to express the thanks you deserve, so I pray that this humble life might somehow exist to serve you in gratitude and love.


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