Monday, June 3, 2024

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3 

  Typically, when I read the beginning of Paul's letters, I think about who I should be remembering before God always, or who might be remembering me before God.  These things are important -- but what is wild is to think that Jesus Christ is constantly mentioning you in his prayers.  Jesus loves you with a fierceness that isn't fathomable here on earth, and that love is focused on redeeming you from the pit and preserving you for God.  Jesus was willing to pay the ultimate price to obtain you, and so he continues to remember you in prayer, constantly mentioning you.
  That thought should make you feel pretty good about the day -- the very idea that the Savior of the universe is constantly mentioning you in prayer.  

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