Tuesday, June 11, 2024

1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

1 Thessalonians 2:13-16

  In the Presbyterian church, we believe that the words the preacher uses become the actual Word of God as it enters the hearts and minds of those who are listening.  In that transformation, it depends not on the worthiness of the preacher (thanks be to God!), but on the work of the Holy Spirit, which is far, far more reliable than the humans entrusted with the proclamation of the Gospel.  
  Thousands of years ago, Paul was grateful for this very fact.  When the church heard the Good News proclaimed, they accepted it not because of who was saying it, but rather because of the content, because of the work of God, and it therefore nestled into their hearts and changed their lives.  This is not the work of humans, but of God, and so the people who heard it started to imitate God, and therefore communities began to change.

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