Wednesday, June 5, 2024

1 Thessalonians 2:1-4

1 Thessalonians 2:1-4 

  What are you most certain of in the whole world?  
  I believe it was Blaise Pascal who said that 'I believe the people who are willing to get their throats cut', indicating that the people willing to die for their beliefs are likely telling the truth.  Those in the early church were taking a great risk when they proclaimed the Gospel, and many died for their beliefs.  That's important to remember, because they didn't simply proclaim the Gospel because they thought it might be true or they wanted it to be true -- they believed it enough to stake their lives on it.  They believed it enough to give their lives for it.  They wouldn't have done that without being as certain as possible that they were proclaiming the truth.  
  If the Gospel is true, and I believe it is, then it has all sorts of implications for our lives.  It's the single most important question we must face in our lives, because if the resurrection of Jesus Christ happened like the Gospels proclaim, like Paul tells us about, then we should take very, very seriously the words of Jesus Christ.  They're more than just passing curiosities if Jesus died on the cross and rose from the grave -- they rise to be the single most important thing that we can contemplate in our lives.  
  Do we treat them that way?  Is our day structured like that?  If not, why not?

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