Friday, June 21, 2024

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 

  I love to listen to Cincinnati Reds games on the radio.  I remember falling to sleep in the summer to the sounds of the Reds announcers calling a game, and ever since those days, I've always enjoyed catching a game on the radio.  Right now, one of the two main announcers is a former pitcher, and he brings insight that I would never have on my own.  He talks about games from the pitchers perspective, and he describes different pitches and how he would address things.  He's an expert, and it's increased my appreciation for the game.
  In the same way, when Paul talks about the sequence of things in the end times, I am grateful for his expertise.  He tells us that this has come to him by a word from the Lord, just as God called out to him on the road to Damascus.  He has been given knowledge, and he shares it with the church, to give them peace about how to deal with the reality that church members have died and they have questions about the resurrection.  He shares his knowledge to give them assurance.
  May we rest on that knowledge as well, and give thanks to God for the glimpses we have into the eternal.  It's a veil, through which we cannot see fully, but Paul helps pull back the curtain to give us comfort and peace.  

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