Monday, June 24, 2024

1 Thessalonians 5:1-4

1 Thessalonians 5:1-4 
  What is your peace and security?  
  It's easy to grab hold of things in the world that will offer us peace and security.  What Paul is warning us is that in the day of the Lord, those things will suddenly reveal themselves to fall short of their promises, but if we've built our lives upon them, by then it's too late to realize it.  We went to the Titanic exhibit today, and by the time they realized that the ship wasn't actually unsinkable and they needed more lifeboats, it was far too late and half the lifeboats had been launched empty.  
  So may we spend the time now thinking about true peace and true security.  What can offer that in the face of the greatest challenges life will throw at us?  If we opt for anything in this world, it can only save us for small problems.  If, however, we opt for Jesus Christ, who is outside of this world, then we can discover a solution that is bigger than the problems of this world.  Then, and only then, do we learn that we have true peace and true security.

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