Friday, June 14, 2024

1 Thessalonians 3:6-10

1 Thessalonians 3:6-10 

  What does community mean to you? 
  There is an epidemic of loneliness in the world.  The United Kingdom appointed a minister of loneliness to deal with 'the sad reality of modern life'.  I wonder how much of it is driven by the lack of participation in authentic Christian community.  Not that Christians don't get lonely, and that being a member of a church means you'll never deal with loneliness, but the church is a place where we should be constantly leaning into one another's lives.  The good news that Timothy brings to Paul gives them comfort in their distress and affliction, and then they start brainstorming about what thanksgiving they can return to God, and they're praying day and night to be gathered together again!  It's a picture of a vibrant community, despite the distance, despite the suffering, because they find joy in one another.  
  This is a reminder that we need to share our joys as well as our concerns -- because our joys can uplift one another, and we need to be thinking about how to be encouragers.  
  Remember -- you are a gift to your community.  It needs you, just as you need it.  So let us share our lives within community, and may the joys and sorrows we share beat back the loneliness as we share our burdens and lift one another up.

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