Friday, August 2, 2024

Acts 1:15-20

Acts 1:15-20 

  How many people do you think that you could take in on a confidence scam?  Maybe 5 or 10?  The New Testament is great at reminding us that the scope of the early community of believers was well beyond a handful of people.  Here, we have 120 people gathered together who have been witnesses of all that has gone on after the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Luke undertook thorough research for writing both Luke and Acts, and he probably talked to a number of these people.  This wasn't 2 or 3 people coming together to contrive a plot -- this was a diverse large group of people who had witnessed something amazing and were standing on the precipice of history.  There was tremendous risk for all of them, but they had seen the remarkable, the unbelievable, and they were all in on the next step of the community of faith.  
  We are a part of their legacy, and I give thanks for the robust research Luke did to write this book, and for the risk these men and women were willing to take for their faith.  How shall we treasure that legacy and continue to spread it?

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