Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Psalm 31:3-5

Psalm 31:3-5

  We cannot redeem ourselves.  The Old Testament is one long example of humans failing to live up to God's expectations of us.  If we're honest with ourselves, we've all fallen short of even our own expectations.  How many times have you looked back and wished you'd done things differently?  How many times do you deal with remorse or regret?  
  God is our redeemer, and so we are wise to commit ourselves to God.  It is for God's glory -- which is eternal and transcendent.  So much of modern life is caught up in trying to create our own glory.  When we pursue God's glory, we join with something that lasts longer than temporary worldly glory.  It's hard to discern the difference, because we're so focused on the here and now.  This is why Sabbath matters -- it's a weekly opportunity to disconnect and take perspective, where we lift our heads from the temporary treadmills that we run on all week.  In opting for sabbath, we recognize that what is eternal is what matters, and we reset our expectations of refuge.

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