Monday, August 26, 2024

Psalm 105:41-43

Psalm 105:41-43 

  Most people would tell you that water doesn't flow out of a rock.  They'd look at the chemical composition and tell you that's impossible.  They'd say that if you're in the desert and needed water, you'd have to go look elsewhere.  
  If your mindset is limited to what is possible based on this world, then that would be correct. But God has a habit of doing the impossible.  There are things God can do because God created the heavens and the earth.  God can make a way where there is no way, including through death itself -- God punched a hole through it and let light and life stream through for those of us who thirst for just that.
  I wish I could say that I knew exactly when and where God would do such things.  But a God who is powerful enough to bring water from a rock isn't a God we can control.  We can choose to submit, which means accepting God's will.  Sometimes, this will mean that we hear a 'No' from God.  If this same God has proven to be loving and gracious, then we can still worship a God like that because we can trust that this same God is working in our best interests consistently.

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