Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Psalm 31:6-8

Psalm 31:6-8

  John Calvin called the human heart a factory of idols -- we cannot help but continuously come up with various things to worship.  As the Psalmist says, most of these are worthless, but they seem so valuable.  
  The Psalmist turns his back on these.  Maybe he's tried enough alternatives to realize they are worthless, or maybe he's wise from the start.  Either way, he is choosing to trust in the Lord.  The Lord's steadfast love abides through the valleys, even in the midst of an enemy.  Even in the face of the soul's distress, the Psalmist trusts in the steadfast love of the Lord.  
  When your soul feels distressed, remember the steadfast love of the Lord.  I think of Noah, stranded in that Ark, uncertain of the fate of the world.  I think of Gideon, watching his army shrink, uncertain as to what the outcome of a battle might be.  I think of Esther, walking in to the King, uncertain as to what his response might be.  Imagine Daniel's thoughts as he descends into the den of the lions.  
  The Bible shows us that people like us have fear like ours, and they have trust, as well.  We don't have to be perfect, but if we continue to focus on the love and light of God, we can walk through whatever valleys we face.

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