Thursday, August 15, 2024

Psalm 31:9-10

Psalm 31:9-10 

  The Psalmist shows us faithfulness -- in the midst of sorrow, he continues to pray to God.  He asks for God's graciousness in turbulent times, buffeted by storms from every angle.  The Psalmist's strength is failing, his bones are wasting away, and whatever energy he has, he directs it towards a plea to God.  That is his only hope at this point.
  We learn how to pray in the midst of this, but we also learn that there's a Biblical role model for hardship.  The Psalmist is having a time of it.  How about Peter after he realizes that he has denied knowing Jesus?  Or Stephen when he was being martyred?  Imagine you're Isaac, set on an altar by Abraham?  Or David in the field, standing before Goliath.
  The Bible is filled with people who are in despair -- the prophets know this place well.  It doesn't mean that you're far from God -- it simply means that you are moving through a chapter, part of life, and to continue to hold onto hope in God.

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