Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Jonah 1:4-6

Jonah 1:4-6 

  So Jonah is sailing in the exact opposite direction that God has told him to go, hoping that God won't notice Jonah exiting stage right.  (Narrator's note:  God notices)  A giant storm is sent, and every sailor on the ship is crying out to their gods, hoping for salvation.  This reminds of Elijah and his duel with the false prophets of Baal, who are crying out in the same way, but Elijah mocks them because Elijah knows there is only one true God.  Elijah tells them to shout louder in case their god is in the bathroom or asleep.  
  Jonah knows their cries won't change things, because Jonah realizes the storm is for him.  Jonah has brought others to danger through his carelessness and selfishness.  Jonah is ready to give up -- that's the only way he could fall asleep in the midst of such a storm.  But the captain won't let Jonah give up.  
  I hope more of us can be like the captain.  Can we notice the people who are in despair, who are ready to give up?  Can we pay attention and see the people in the world who are in such pain that they want to curl up and let it all slip away?  

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