Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Psalm 31:19-20

Psalm 31:19-20 

  The world seems to have a limit on goodness -- we find ways to fight and squabble about everything, from the way people drive to the biggest decisions we face.  The world is constantly caught up in conflict, each of us trying to claw our way to the top.
  God's goodness, however, isn't limited, so we don't have to be in conflict with one another.  There is abundance in God's goodness.  We can stop chasing whatever false gods we're pursuing, and we can stop measuring ourselves against one another.  There is enough.  Rest.  Let your soul breathe deeply in the goodness of God, and trust in God's abundant goodness.
  Do you remember when the prophet Elijah was running for his life into the wilderness, and God made him sleep?  I think God probably wants to do that with most of us.  We need to find some ways to stop our frenetic activity and simply lean into God.

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