Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, July 30

Dear Lord,
  I so easily settle into routines.  I become accustomed to a certain way of life, a pattern and mode of being, and I get my head so deep in that rut that I forget to raise my head and be in awe of what you are doing in the world.  I don't even notice your presence, or the beauty that surrounds me.  Forgive me, Lord, for becoming so focused on what I am up to that I forget to pay attention to what you are doing.
  You have promised to never leave me, to never forsake me... so help me to remember that you are near, always and forever.  You love each and every person on this planet, from the most powerful to the lowliest, just the same, and may I have the courage and boldness to treat everyone as though they are precious in your sight and beloved by you.  May I see not with eyes that value someone by their material worth, but rather with a heart overflowing with selfless love.  May this journey be one that enriches others and spreads the good news of a Savior who loves, who serves, who rejoices in the discovery of a lost sheep.
  May I share in your joy, O Lord.


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