Romans 2:12-16
English Standard Version (ESV)
God judges us, Romans tells us, by Christ Jesus.
The Lord who comes as Judge is the same King who comes as Savior. The one who can judge us reaches down to save us. The one who could condemn us for our unrighteousness chooses to save us by his sacrifice.
God loves you, so very deeply. God longs for his grace to take root in your heart, not so that you will follow the law woodenly, but rather so that you will pursue a relationship with God with passion and conviction, understanding that God wants the best for you. God created you out of love, and in sin we have turned from God, but God surrounds us with love, judging us in Christ Jesus, counting us as worthy because of the sacrifice Christ made for us.
Also, if you're interested in hearing an amazing story, John Brandon's testimony can be found here.
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