Friday, July 10, 2015

Ephesians 6:5-9

Ephesians 6:5-9
English Standard Version (ESV)

 Paul gets a lot of grief for writing about slavery, but I tend to side with the argument that Paul established a system that made such Christ-like demands on slaveowners that to truly live into the expectations of a Christian would bring slavery crashing down around the Christian, for Paul called for such radical love and service that owning another human and not seeking their flourishing in love would be a deviation from the Gospel's call on our lives.  We are called to serve, to obey, to love and to think of others before ourselves.  At times we will serve others, at times we will be served, but we are not to think of ourselves -- we are to think of Christ, and think about how greatly we are loved, and to let that love guide and strengthen and lead us into the world, that we may love as we have been loved, not ruling over others but washing their feet, humbly accepting the role of a servant.

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