Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, May 14

  The universe is alive with wonder.  There is untold beauty beyond the stars, beauty which we will never grasp with our hands.  There is incredible design in the human body, in the human cell, that you have created.  The natural world is alive and singing your glory with every crashing wave and every thunderstorm.  It testifies to a designer, to a great love and creativity.  With wonder and awe I look around and see a world that you have created.
  I see heartbreak, too, in the brokenness in our creation, in the disasters that destroy lives, uproot families and create scars in our common humanity.  I see pain in the lives of individuals and watch as that pain spreads through relationships.  We have been placed in a good world and have led much of that good be corroded through sin.
  And yet, Lord, you still choose to freely love, and you pour forth grace and beauty into the world, into our lives.  Thank you, Lord, for glimpses of wonder and moments of pure beauty, when your light shines and your love reminds that you are the author of life, and that you are the ancient of days, the wonder of my life and the savior of the world.


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