Tuesday, January 25, 2022

1 Peter 2:1-3

1 Peter 2:1-3

  It's a long time before a baby is able to eat anything solid, and when they do, they start with things that dissolve in their mouths, or applesauce, or porridge (the stuff our kids tried tastes terrible.  I don't blame them for not liking it).  They don't have the strength to chew and choking is an issue, so they start with the absolute basics.
  The same is true for our spiritual lives.  We have to start with the basics.  Maybe it's out of pride, but we often want to skip to the more advanced parts, thinking we should be beyond the basics, and so sometimes we avoid asking basic questions or studying basic things.  It's so important that we handle the basics first to make sure we are grounded in a solid understanding of faith, and only then do we move on.  Let us start with pure milk, only growing from there as the Holy Spirit leads us forward in faith!

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