Friday, January 14, 2022

Psalm 40:6-8

Psalm 40:6-8 
  There was an ice cream shop we used to go to as a kid -- I think it was the Dairy Delight.  Or maybe the deli delight.  That wouldn't make any sense, though.  It had delight in the name, and it was, truly, delightful.
  As I was reading these verses of Psalm 40, I was trying to think of how often I'd say that I had true delight in my life.  Do I experience delight, true joy, profound contentment and peace and happiness?  More often, it feels like I'm running, chasing something, although I don't know exactly what I would say that I was chasing.  
  The Bible speaks of delight often, and it's found in God.  The Psalmist delights to do the will of God.  Delight is found 106 times in the Bible.
  So if you're like me, and perhaps you don't have a ton of delight in your life, perhaps it's because we're looking in the wrong places.  We don't recognize that true delight comes from God, and from God alone, who longs to give that to us because God delights in us.  So we get busy pursuing delight elsewhere, all the while, God is here, waiting for us.  
  May we delight in God and in God's will, trusting that in serving God, we bring delight into our lives by aligning ourselves with the will of the one who handcrafted us and calls us by name.

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