Monday, January 3, 2022

Psalm 34:1-3

Psalm 34:1-3 
English Standard Version 

  When you're looking at social media, it's important to remember that most things there happen through a filter -- that's often not that person's real life.  There's a famous temple in Bali called 'The Gates of Heaven' that is very popular on Instagram that has a perfect reflection of a person standing in the middle of a gate reflected perfectly in what looks like a still lake.  Well, it turns out that it's just someone standing there with a mirror charging to take your picture.  It's a constructed image.
  When we read the Psalms, they are meant to teach us how to pray -- the Psalms are the prayerbook of the Bible.  When we come to some Psalms, they may not perfectly reflect our current attitudes and situations, but they can be aspirational.  Maybe you don't feel like blessing the Lord at all times now, but the more you pray this, the closer you draw to the ideal.
  So let us pray for God's praise to be continually in our mouths, even if it isn't currently.  In time, perhaps God's praise will be more often in our mouths, and our soul will more often boast in the Lord!

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