Monday, June 15, 2015

A Prayer for Monday, June 15

Holy Lord,
  You told us we cannot serve two masters, which I try to achieve not by serving one, but by serving many.  I seek so many different goals that my efforts are washed down, diminished by so many different things competing for my limited attention.
  Today, Lord, I humbly pray for the courage to take time throughout the day and remember your grace and love, to set aside quiet time to listen for your voice, to be still and know that it does not depend on me.  You are all powerful and all loving, and I pray for a day when I am reminded that my life is rooted in your love, and that you alone can build a kingdom which will have no end.
  May your glory lead my heart and mind today, and may I love you more today than I did yesterday, seeking you first above all else.


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