Thursday, June 25, 2015

A Prayer for Thursday, June 25

Gracious Lord,
  You are at work.  You have always been busy loving, busy enjoying your creation, busy enjoying the fellowship of the Trinity:  Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  It is what you do, it is who you are--you are unbounded love and wonderful grace, free mercy and wild compassion.
  Lord, you are so busy loving, and we get caught up in debates, trying to figure out who we should love and how we should serve, and I can hear your Spirit calling us to stop debating and start loving, start serving, start putting your words into action as we serve the least of these and love all, even those who make it very, very difficult to love them.  We love our words, and actions can be challenging.
  Be at work in our hearts, O Lord, that we might be comforted and encouraged, consoled and motivated, to put your words to work in the world, that all may see the church as a place of love and grace, where your work is practiced by your broken and sinful servants, as we endeavor to live and love as you did.


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