Wednesday, June 17, 2015

A Prayer for Wednesday, June 17

Gracious God,
  Today, I give thanks for the relationships that surround me, and I pray for wisdom in serving others in those relationships as you have served.
  In the beginning, you said it is not good for us to be alone.  Scripture paints pictures of what relationship looks like, and I can learn from its pages that the people within a relationship need not be perfect, just willing to elevate the needs of the relationship over the needs of the individual.  Selfishness and pride get in the way, and then we reach out for what we want, often damaging the other.
  Forgive me, Lord, for those I have hurt, and may I have the wisdom and courage to reach out to them.  Forgive me, Lord, for the ways I have been selfish and ignored the needs of others.  In Jesus Christ, you illustrate selfless love.  You washed the feet of the disciples.  You were willing to value the relationship above your own needs, to the extent that you were willing to die on a cross to restore humans to a full relationship with God.
  May I have the courage the see the needs of others, and may I have the humility to serve them, as you have served.


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