Precious Lord,
You redeem. You restore. You bring back to life what once was dead. You create hope where despair once threatened to take hold. You shine light where darkness threatens.
You are the author of life, and when the story derailed, you did not stop writing, you did not give up, but you entered into the story so that the end might be the same -- eternal life and peace and joy and hope.
And as you write the eternal story, you call us, you call me, into a story that is taking place all around us, between people and nations. You call us to dwell in the love and peace and joy of Christ now, so that we might not just wait on our hands until we get to heaven, but rather that we might get our fingernails dirty with the work of life, the work of love, the work of selfless service, so that in our lives we might reveal the source of our hope and joy, Christ Jesus our Lord.
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