Ephesians 4:1-10
English Standard Version (ESV)
One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father.
Here on earth, we are divided, and we are fighting constantly. We find just about anything to disagree over. We invest countless energy disagreeing over things that we cannot change, and we sink our teeth into things we could change, but refuse to. Our disagreements spill over into one another's lives, and we crash into each other, our stubbornness colliding and damaging the fabric of our inter-connectedness. We hurt one another, but we just keep moving.
We disagree over race, over religion, over politics. We divide people into groups, and we like the people who live like us and disagree with the rest. We hurt one another, we disregard one another, we ignore one another.
One day, we shall all be united in Christ, and the divisions will fall away. We will no longer be separate, but one. Together in Christ, the walls will be torn down, and we shall be healed.
Today, here and now, may we have the courage to work while we live to do whatever we can to remove those divisions, that the Kingdom may be alive and at work in us.
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