Ephesians 4:17-24
English Standard Version (ESV)
Who here likes change? Everybody likes change, right? Hands? Nobody? Nobody likes change? I'm glad I'm not the only one...
Change is hard. We are accustomed to doing or seeing things a certain way, and then the world changes... and we have to change as well. We change where we live, we change our relationships, we change where we work or how we act, and it's hard to find a new routine.
When we become a Christian, we are supposed to change. We are now called to see the world through the lens of self-sacrificial love. We are called to see other people as brothers and sisters in Christ, beloved by God and worthy of our love. We are called to see the world as a place to be treasured, a gift from God. We see our lives as a gift, to use wisely and to worship the one who made us.
Christ changes us. We can resist that change and cling to the old, or we can embrace the love of Christ and trust that the change will lead us into deeper and more abundant life.
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