Nehemiah 10:32-39
English Standard Version (ESV)
When we've been given a rich and wondrous gift, our gratitude should lead us, in some way, to give back, because in doing so we honor both the gift and the giver. In giving back, we demonstrate our gratitude and are reminded of the generosity that led to the gift.
The difficult thing, I think, is to remember all the gifts God gives to us. It's pretty easy to take a lot for granted, to accept the gift of every day of life as a right, rather than receiving it with gratitude as the amazing gift that it is. We lose our sense of wonder and move on, one day to the next, ceasing to be grateful and just trying to make it through the next day.
Today is a gift. It is a miracle that God has created, and he alone is keeping the universe spinning in motion. We don't deserve it, but it is given to us, freely, and we have one more day. Let us remember to be grateful, and in so doing we will be led to give back out of amazement that we have been given such a wondrous gift.
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